Our Mission

Spark and support connection

  • Partner with local nonprofits to identify community needs

  • Design family-friendly volunteer events that offer personal connections to causes

Center community

  • Mobilize families and children to hands-on volunteering and collective action

  • Layer local artists, vendors, and host venues
    for theme extensions

Impact our local

  • Build strong, connected communities through collaboration

  • Empower volunteers of all ages to become agents of positive change

Our Values

Our projects generate environmental, humanitarian, and/or cultural benefit

Our events are low waste to ensure that our footprints are positive


Our volunteer opportunities are hyperlocal, free, open to the public,
and designed for all ages


Our talent and resources are exchanged and layered with reciprocity
toward shared goals


Our work is founded in love and mutual aid
to support building trust, collective service, and collective visioning

To partner, volunteer,
or inquire, please fill out this form.